


n. 较少, 较小
a. 少的, 小的
ad. 较少, 较小, 较差
【计】 最低成本估算与调度法
no less than
not less than
less and less
none the less
less but better
any the less
in less than no time
no less a person than


less indef det, indef pron ~ (sth) (than...) (used with [U] ns as the comparative of little2 作little2, ) not as much (as...); a smaller amount (of) 较少的; 更少的. (a) (det)
less butter, sugar, time, significance 较少的黄油、 较少的糖、 较少的时间、 不太重要
less coffee than tea 咖啡比茶少
I received less money than the others did. 我比别人收到的钱少.
You ought to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer. 你应当少抽烟, 少喝啤酒. =>Usage at much 用法见much. (b) (pron)
It seems less of a threat than I´d expected. 威胁性似比我预料的要小.
There´s less to do in this job than the last. 这份工作没有上份工作量大.
`You must have paid 3000 for your car.´ `No, (it was) less.´ `你买的汽车得花3000英镑吧.'`不, 没那麽多.'
It´s not far it´ll take less than an hour to get there. 不远--到那儿用不了一个钟头.
The receptionist was less than (ie not at all) helpful when we arrived. 我们到达的时候接待员什麽忙也不帮.
It took less than no (ie very little) time to write a reply. 立即写好了回信. less, adv ~ (than...) 1 to a smaller extent; not so much (as) 较少; 更少; 少
I read much less now than I did at school. 我现在看书远比我上学时少.
It rains less in London than in Manchester. 伦敦的降雨量比曼彻斯特少.
less colourful, expensive, hungry, intelligent, tired, etc 色彩不太丰富的、 价钱较便宜的、 不太饿的、 悟性较差的、 不那麽疲劳的
less awkwardly, enthusiastically, often 不太笨拙地、 不热情地、 不常. 2 (idm 习语) any (the) less (used after not 用於not之後) to a smaller extent 较小; 更小; 少
She wasn´t any (the) less happy for being on her own. 她并不因独自一人而稍有不悦. even/much/still less and certainly not 更不用说; 更何况
He´s too shy to ask a stranger the time, still less speak to a room full of people. 他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思, 更不用说向一屋子人讲话了. less and less at a continually decreasing rate 越来越小地; 越来越少地
She found the job less and less attractive. 她发觉那工作越来越缺乏吸引力.
He played the piano less and less as he grew older. 他随著年龄的增长, 弹钢琴的次数越来越少了. the less, more, etc... the less, more etc... => the. more or less => more. no less (than...) as much as 不少於; 多达
We won 500, no less, in a competition. 我们在一场竞赛中赢了足足500英镑.
We won no less than 500 in a competition. 我们在一?quot;热杏硕啻?00英镑. less, prep before subtracting (sth); minus 未扣除(某量); 减除
a monthly salary of 450, less tax and national insurance 月薪450英镑, 未扣除所得税和国民保险费
send a cheque for the catalogue price, less 10% discount 按目录价格9折寄一张支票. less, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Less, instead of fewer, is now commonly and increasingly used with plural nouns 与复数名词连用时, 用less而不用fewer现很常见, 且日益普遍
There have been less accidents on this road since the speed limit was introduced. 自从实施速度限制, 这条路上的交通事故已经少些了. However, this is still thought to be incorrect English, and careful speakers prefer fewer 但是, 此用法仍视为误用, 言词谨慎者愿用fewer
fewer accidents 事故少些.





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