annual report of auditing and inspecting annual report of auditing and inspecting怎么读,什么意思。年度审计报告(书)... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 510 【经】 年度审计报告(书)英汉词典
annual n.年刊,年报a.每年的,一年...exempt from filing annual income tax returns 免办年度所得税申报...obligatory annual contribution 每年度必须交纳的会费...annual list and summary 年度(股东)营业成绩摘要...account title for annual expenditures 岁出科目...annual magnetic variations 岁磁变...annual instalment 按年支(偿)付...annual loading digram 年负载曲线...annual total income 全年总收益额...quarterly earnings in annual reports 年度报告中的分季收益...annual usage value 年耗用价值...annual load factor 年负载因数...account title for annual receipts 岁入科目...annual value 年值...annual objectives 年度目标...annual maintenance 年度维护;年度养护;年度维修...nominal annual rate 名义年利率...annual licence 一年期执照...annual receipts 年度收入...false annual ring 假年轮(植物)...annual vote 年度表决...