justice of peace court
justice of peace court怎么读,什么意思。治安官法院...
标签: justice of peace court,用法,音标,短语
- justice n.正义,公平,公正,正确,司...
- Justice has long arms 天网恢恢疏而不漏...
- to do one's justice 说句公道话...
- administration of justice 执法,司法,司法行政...
- administer justice 执法,处罚...
- adjudication of justice 依法裁判...
- the international court of justice 国际法院...
- obstructing justice 妨碍司法执法...
- temper justice with mercy 恩威并施恩威并施,宽严并举...
- jungle justice 私刑...
- justice's justice 执法不当的裁判...
- advancement of justice 促进正义...
- justice itinerantes 巡回法院...
- justice of appeal 上诉法院法官...
- administrative justice 行政司法...
- justice department 司法部门...
- justice of peace 治安法官...
- justice of jail delivery 负责提审全体在押犯人的法官...
- justice tempered with mercy 恩威兼施,宽严并济...
- justice dept. 司法部门...
- failure of justice 审判不公,审判失误,误判...