jump n.跳跃,跳动,暴涨,惊跳vt...jump to one's feet 一跃而起,跳起来...jump the queue 插队,获得优惠待遇...johnny-jump-up n.腊芬氏堇菜...accumulator jump instruction 累加器转移指令...jump out of one's skin 欣喜若狂,大吃一惊...unconditional jump instruction 无条件转移指令...jump-spark 跳火,有间隔之火花...jump-off n.赛跑开始...unconditional jump 无条件转移...wait for the cat to jump 观望形势后再作决策...jump step search 跳步查找...jump down someone's throat 抢着争辩...accumlator jump instruction 累加器转移指令...keep the enemy on the jump 使敌人疲于奔命...unconditional jump debug 无条件转移排错...buck-jump n.(马等的)猛然弓背跃起...jump down sb.'s throat 突然打断某人...jump at sth 欣然接受...jump at the bait 轻易上当...jump flap 迁移瓣...