inertia selling
inertia selling怎么读,什么意思。呆滞销售...
【经】 呆滞销售
inertia selling的短语、例句:
inertia selling (esp Brit) sending of goods to a person who has not ordered them, in the hope that he will not refuse them and will therefore later have to pay for them 惯性销售(将货物送至未订购者处, 希不遭退货而成交, 事後清帐).
inertia selling的短语、例句:
inertia selling (esp Brit) sending of goods to a person who has not ordered them, in the hope that he will not refuse them and will therefore later have to pay for them 惯性销售(将货物送至未订购者处, 希不遭退货而成交, 事後清帐).