incidence of taxation incidence of taxation怎么读,什么意思。征税的范围,税赋的归宿,纳税负担... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 430 【经】 征税的范围, 税赋的归宿, 纳税负担在线英汉词典
oblique incidence transmission 倾斜入射传送...oblique incidence 倾斜入射...vertical-incidence transmission 垂直入射传送...incidence n.发生,发生率,影响,负担者...of incidence line 入射线...age incidence 年龄发生率...normal incidence 正入射 of incidence (租税)负担法则...vertical incidence 垂直入射...angle of incidence 入射角入射角...line of incidence 入射线...point of incidence 入射点...glancing incidence 掠入射 incidence 家族发生率...negative incidence 负向关联 incidence 纳税负担...incidence of duty 关税的负担...incidence rate 发生[流行]率...incidence matrix 关联矩阵...points of incidence 投射点,入射点...incidence f-m 入射调频...