illegal procurement of foreign exchange illegal procurement of foreign exchange怎么读,什么意思。套汇... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 710 【法】 套汇在线英汉词典
illegal a.违法的,不合规定的非法的,...illegal association 非法结社...illegal character 非法字符,禁用字符...illegal profit 非法利润...illegal means 非常手段...illegal file name 非法文件名...illegal oil or gas 不合法石油或天然气...illegal field width 非法字段宽度...joint illegal act 共同不法行为...illegal code 禁用代码;非法代码...illegal request 非法要求,非法请求...illegal organization 非法组织...illegal dispositon 违法处分,非法处分...illegal function code 非法功能码...illegal delimiter 非法定义符,非法定界符...illegal recruitment 非法征募...illegal move 非法移动...illegal abortion 非法堕始...illegal interrogation 非法讯问...illegal strike 不合法罢工,非法罢工...offence of illegal infringement of citizens 非法侵犯公民权利罪...