high-priced high-priced怎么读,什么意思。a.高价的,昂贵的... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 440 a. 高价的, 昂贵的在线英汉词典high-priced的短语、例句:high-priced adj expensive 高价的; 昂贵的.
high n.高度,高处a.高的,高级的...waist-high a.齐腰深,齐腰高ad.齐腰深...junior high school 初中...hold sb in high regard 十分尊敬某人...U.V.high transmittance optical glass 透紫外线玻璃...high leg boots 长统胶靴;渔民用长统胶靴...knee-high a.高及膝盖的...ultra-high-frequency 超高频...be high up in the pictures 取得成功...knee-high to a duck 很小的,微不足道的...knee-high to a mosquito 矮小的,微不足道的...ace-high a.受崇敬的,受喜爱的...high lithotomy 耻骨上切石术...ultra-high frequency 超高频...run mountains high 汹涌澎湃...work at high pressure 紧张地工作...high commissioner 高级商务代表...two-high rolling mill 二重压轧机...ultra-high-frequency tuner 超高频调谐器...ultra-high reduction 超大量衰减...economy of high wages 高工资的经济性...