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- 英汉词典
- heavy (precipitated) calcium carbonate
heavy (precipitated) calcium carbonate
heavy (precipitated) calcium carbonate怎么读,什么意思。重质沉淀碳酸钙...
标签: heavy (precipitated) calcium carbonate,用法,音标,短语
- heavy a.重的,巨大的,沉重的,笨重...
- walk heavy 神气活现...
- tail-heavy a.尾部重的,后头重的...
- A light purse makes a heavy heart 为人无钱心事重...
- deal a heavy blow to 给...以沉重打击...
- a heavy purse 富裕...
- heavy-duty a.重型的,关税重的...
- heavy-footed a.动作迟钝的,冗长的...
- heavy-handed a.笨手笨脚的,严厉的...
- heavy-laden a.负担沉重的,心情沉重的...
- heavy-route 重路径...
- a heavy date 重要的约会...
- heavy-armed a.带重武器的...
- heavy-buying a.大量买进的...
- heavy-hearted a.心情沉重的...
- extra-heavy pipe 特强管;厚壁管...
- heavy-headed a.迟钝的,愚蠢的...
- crude heavy solvent naphtha 粗的重溶剂石脑油...
- top-heavy a.头重的,头重脚轻的,不稳的...
- heavy magnesia 重质氧化镁重质氧化镁...
- with a heavy heart (心情)沉重地,忧愁地...