hand crusher
hand crusher怎么读,什么意思。手摇压碎机...
标签: hand crusher,用法,音标,短语
- hand n.手,爪,指针,掌握,协助,...
- hand drop 手下垂...
- lefft-hand rule 左手法则...
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手...
- a bird in the hand 已到手的东西...
- Zelkova schneideriana Hand-Mazz. 榉树...
- hand-made 手工制造...
- take sb by the hand 拉住某人的手...
- hand-luggage n.手提行李...
- hand-to-hand a.极接近的,白刃战的,传递到...
- give one's hand to sb. 答应和某人结婚...
- hand-picked a.用手挑选出的,精选的,仔细...
- factory hand 工人...
- hand-book 手册...
- hand-in-hand a.手牵手的,亲密的,并进的...
- factory-hand 员工...
- a free hand 放手处理的权利...
- shake sb's hand 同某人握手...
- give sb a free hand 给某人以自主权...
- hold one's hand 迟迟不动手...
- hand-medow a.现成的,用旧的n.旧衣服...