impel sb to greater efforts 促使某人作出更大努力...greater-than or equal-to operator 大于或等于运算符...greater 大的...greater loss 较大损失...greater vestibular glands 前庭大腺,巴多林氏腺...greater trochanter 大转子...stimulate sb to make greater efforts 激励某人作更大的努力...greater omentum 大网膜...greater-than operator 大于运算符...greater ring of iris 虹膜大环...greater than 大于...greater sciatic notch 坐骨大切迹...greater curvature of stomach 胃大弯...greater of peritoneum sac 腹膜大囊(腹膜腔本身)...greater tubercles of humerus 肱骨大结节...greater cornua 大角(舌骨)...greater tuberosity of femnr 大转子...greater circuIation 大循环,体循环...hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerve 面神经管裂孔...