foot lambert
foot lambert怎么读,什么意思。Ё朗伯(亮度单位)...
标签: foot lambert,用法,音标,短语
- foot n.脚,步调,英尺,底部,末尾...
- put the shoe on the right foot 责备该受责备的人,表扬该受表扬...
- tabetic foot 脊髓痨足...
- abduction of the foot 足外展...
- head-to-foot 顶到底...
- flat-foot n.平脚,有半脚缺陷的人,(美...
- kiss the hare's foot 迟到...
- foot-pound n.尺磅(功的单位)Ё磅...
- tender-foot n.艰苦地区的新来者,新手...
- dangle foot 下垂足...
- The black ox has trod on sb.'s foot 灾祸临头...
- Madura foot 足分支菌病...
- put a foot wrong 讲错话,做错事...
- synthetic neat's-foot oil 合成牛蹄油...
- have one foot in the grave 风烛残年...
- lower leg-foot index 小腿足长指数...
- trample law and order foot 法律与秩序...
- under foot 妨碍着,在地面上...
- dancer's foot 舞蹈者足...
- put one's foot up 躺下休息,把双脚搁起来休息...
- claw foot 爪形足...