


n. 流程, 流动, 流量, 洋溢, 泛滥, 涨潮
vi. 流动, 流泄, 畅流, 川流不息, 飘扬, 涌出
vt. 使流动, 淹没, 流出
【医】 流动, 流(水流,气流); 月经
【经】 流转, 流程, 流动


flow v (pt, pp -ed) 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] (a) (of a liquid) move freely and continuously (指液体)流动
Her tears flowed freely (down her cheeks). 她眼泪止不住地(顺著面颊)往下流.
Most rivers flow into the sea. 江河大多流入海洋.
Blood suddenly started flowing out. 突然流出血来. (b) move freely and continuously, esp within a closed system; circulate 畅通无阻(尤指在封闭系统内); 流通; 流传
Keep the traffic flowing. 保持交通畅通无阻.
Electricity is flowing (in the circuit/wires). 电在(电路[导线]中)流动.
Blood flows round the body. 血液在体内循环.
In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在对流中热气流向上运动. 2 [I] (of speech or writing) proceed evenly and continuously (指讲话或写作)流畅
Conversation flowed freely when the speaker invited discussion. 演讲人请大家讨论, 於是人人畅所欲言. 3 [I, Ipr, Ip] fall or hang (down) loosely and freely 松散而无束缚地落下或垂下
long flowing robes 飘洒的长袍
Her hair flowed (down) over her shoulders. 她长发垂肩. 4 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) be available plentifully; be distributed freely 有的是; 大量供应; 取之不尽
The party became lively when the drink began to flow. 饮料开始大量供应, 聚会的气氛就活跃起来了.
a land flowing with milk and honey, ie place with rich natural resources 自然资源丰富的地方. 5 [I] (of the sea tide) come in; rise (指海潮)涨, 涨潮
The tide began to flow and our footprints were covered. 开始涨潮了, 潮水遮住了我们的脚印. Cf 参看 ebb 1. 6 (phr v) flow in/into sth arrive in a steady stream 不断涌入
The election results flowed in throughout the night. 通夜不断传来各项选举结果.
Offers of help flowed into the office. 人们接连不断地向办事处表示愿意提供帮助. flow from sth come or derive from sth; result from sth 源於某事物;为某事物的结果
Many benefits will flow from this discovery. 这项发现将带来许多好处. flow out (of sth) leave in a steady stream 外流
Profits are flowing out of the country. 利润源源不断地流向国外. flow over sb take place without affecting sb (某事)发生而不影响某人
Office politics just seem to flow over him. 同事之间互相倾轧、 勾心斗角的事似乎并未波及到他. flow, n (usu sing 通常作单数) 1 ~ (of sth/sb) (rate of a) flowing movement of sth/sb (某事物[某人]的)流动(量); 流量
a steady flow of traffic 川流不息的来往车辆
The government is trying to stop the increasing flow of refugees entering the country. 政府正在设法阻止越来越多的难民流入本国. 2 ~ (of sth) (rate of a) continuous stream or supply of sth 某事物的持续或连续供应(量)
cut off the flow of oil 切断石油输送
the constant flow of information 源源不断的信息. 3 even and continuous outpouring of words 口若悬河; 滔滔不绝
I interrupted him while he was in full flow, ie talking away strongly. 他正在高谈阔论, 我打断了他的话. 4 incoming tide 涨潮: the ebb and flow of the sea 海潮的涨落. 5 (idm 习语) the ebb and flow (of sth) => ebb n.





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