fiscal year fiscal year怎么读,什么意思。会计年度,财政年度... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 420 【经】 会计年度, 财政年度英汉词典fiscal year的短语、例句:fiscal year (US) = financial year (financial).
avoir fiscal 财政减免数,税收抵负...the fiscal year 财政年度,会计年度...fiscal stamp 印花税票...procurator fiscal 地方检察官,公诉人,律师...fiscal a.财政的,国库的财政上的,会...fiscal period 会计期...fiscal drag 财政拖累,财政障碍...fiscal policy 财政政策...counter-cyclical fiscal policy 反周期波动财政政策...fiscal accounting year 会计年度,营业年度...fiscal levy 财政税收...fiscal and tax policy 财务税收政策...surplus in preceeding fiscal year 以前年度盈余 equity and fiscal responsibility act 产权和财政责任课税法...fiscal monopoly 财政垄断...fiscal reserve 财政储备金...end of each fiscal year 每年财政年度终结,每届会计年度...fiscal system 财政制度,会计制度...fiscal agent 财务代理银行(商行)...fiscal quarter 会计季度...fiscal or monetary action 财政或金融措施...