


n. 费用, 代价, 开支, 损失
【经】 费用, 开支, 将支出转为费用
go to the expense of...
put sb to expense
at sb's expense
have a laugh at sb's expense


expense n 1 (a) [U] spending of money etc; cost 花费; 代价
an expense of time, energy and cash 时间、 精力、 现金的花费
He hired a plane, regardless of expense. 他不惜代价, 租了一架飞机.
Most children in Britain are educated at public expense. 英国大多数儿童靠公费受教育. (b) [C] cause of spending 花费的原因
An annual holiday is a big expense. 一年一度的假日是一笔大开销.
Running a car is a great expense. 一辆汽车的经常开支很大. 2 expenses [pl] money spent in doing a specific job, or for a specific purpose (做某工作或为某目的)花费的钱
travelling expenses 旅费
House repairs, holidays and other expenses reduced her bank balance to almost nothing. 修房、 度假和其他开销使她在银行的存款所剩无几.
Who´s meeting the expenses of your trip? 谁为你支付旅费呢? 3 (idm 习语) at sb´s expense (a) with sb paying 由某人付费
We were entertained at the editor´s expense. 由编辑付钱招待我们. (b) at sb who has behaved foolishly, been tricked, etc 针对某人(因其举动愚蠢或受到捉弄等)
They had a good laugh (ie were very amused) at Sam´s expense. 他们嘲弄萨姆而乐不可支. at great, little, no, etc ex`pense (to sb/oneself) with a lot of, little, no, etc money being spent (by sb/oneself) (某人[自己])花费很大、 花费很小、 无花费等
We can redecorate the room at little expense, if we use this old paint. 我们要是用这种旧漆重新装饰这房间, 就不用花多少钱了. at the expense of sth with loss or damage to sth 在损失或损坏某事物的情况下
He built up a successful business but it was all done at the expense of his health. 他创建的企业很成功, 但这一切却损害了他的健康. (all) expenses `paid with an employer, etc paying for everything (由雇主等)已付费用的
[attrib 作定语] She´s just returned from an all-expenses-paid trip to France. 她刚由法国回来, 旅途一切费用由雇主支付. go to/put sb to the expense of sth/doing sth spend/cause sb to spend money on sth 在某事物上花钱或使某人花钱
It´s stupid to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practise. 花钱上音乐课而从不练习是很愚蠢的.
put sb to a lot of expense 使某人破费极大. no expense(s) `spared with no regard for the cost 不惜费用
I´m going to take you out to dinner, no expense spared. 我带你出去用餐, 花费多少都无所谓. spare no expense => spare.





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