n. 行使, 执行, 运动, 练习, 作业
vt. 运用, 练习, 运动
vi. 练习, 锻炼
【医】 操练, 运动
【经】 行使, 执行(权力等)
xercise n 1 [U] use or practice (of the mind or esp the body) through effort or action (智力的)运用; (尤指)锻炼运动
The doctor advised him to take more exercise. 医生建议他多运动.
Jogging is a healthy form of exercise. 慢跑是有益健康的锻炼方式.
Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise. 做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋. 2 [C] activity or task intended for physical or mental training 练习; 训练
vocal, gymnastic, keep-fit, deep-breathing, etc exercises 发音、 体操、 保健、 深呼吸等练习
exercises for the piano, flute, harp, etc 钢琴、 长笛、 竖琴等的练习
The teacher set her class a mathematics exercise for homework. 那位女教师给班上布置数学的家庭作业.
[attrib 作定语] an exercise book, ie a book for writing in with soft covers and lined pages 练习本. 3 [U] ~ of sth (effective) use or application (有效的)使用或应用
The exercise of patience is essential in diplomatic negotiations. 在外交谈判中, 重要的是要有耐性.
the exercise of one´s civil rights 公民权利的行使
His stories showed considerable exercise of the imagination. 他的故事颇具创意. 4 [C often pl 常作复数] series of movements or operations for training troops, etc (部队等的)操练, 演习
military exercises 军事操练
(fig 比喻) an exercise in diplomatic relations 外交关系上的举动. 5 exercises [pl] (US) ceremonies 典礼; 仪式
graduation exercises 毕业典礼
opening exercises, eg speeches at the start of a conference 开幕仪式(如致开幕词). exercise v 1 [I] perform some kind of physical exercise (体能方面)锻炼, 运动
He exercises twice a day. 他每天锻炼两次. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (in sth) give exercise1(1) to sb/sth; train sb/sth (by means of exercises) 使某人[某物]得到锻炼; 训练某人[某物]
Horses get fat and lazy if they are not exercised. 马不训练就会增膘、 变懒.
Swimming exercises the whole body. 游泳能使身体得到全面的锻炼. 3 [Tn] make use of (sth); employ 利用(某物); 使用; 运用
exercise patience, tolerance, power, control, etc 运用耐性、 忍耐力、 权力、 控制力等
exercise one´s rights as a citizen 行使公民权
Teachers exercise authority over their pupils. 教师经常管束学生. 4 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] (fml 文) worry or trouble (sb) 使(某人)担心、 忧虑或烦恼
This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment. 这一问题此刻使我们很伤脑筋.
I am very much exercised about the education of my son. 我对儿子的教育十分操心.
n. 行使, 执行, 运动, 练习, 作业
vt. 运用, 练习, 运动
vi. 练习, 锻炼
【医】 操练, 运动
【经】 行使, 执行(权力等)
xercise n 1 [U] use or practice (of the mind or esp the body) through effort or action (智力的)运用; (尤指)锻炼运动
The doctor advised him to take more exercise. 医生建议他多运动.
Jogging is a healthy form of exercise. 慢跑是有益健康的锻炼方式.
Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise. 做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋. 2 [C] activity or task intended for physical or mental training 练习; 训练
vocal, gymnastic, keep-fit, deep-breathing, etc exercises 发音、 体操、 保健、 深呼吸等练习
exercises for the piano, flute, harp, etc 钢琴、 长笛、 竖琴等的练习
The teacher set her class a mathematics exercise for homework. 那位女教师给班上布置数学的家庭作业.
[attrib 作定语] an exercise book, ie a book for writing in with soft covers and lined pages 练习本. 3 [U] ~ of sth (effective) use or application (有效的)使用或应用
The exercise of patience is essential in diplomatic negotiations. 在外交谈判中, 重要的是要有耐性.
the exercise of one´s civil rights 公民权利的行使
His stories showed considerable exercise of the imagination. 他的故事颇具创意. 4 [C often pl 常作复数] series of movements or operations for training troops, etc (部队等的)操练, 演习
military exercises 军事操练
(fig 比喻) an exercise in diplomatic relations 外交关系上的举动. 5 exercises [pl] (US) ceremonies 典礼; 仪式
graduation exercises 毕业典礼
opening exercises, eg speeches at the start of a conference 开幕仪式(如致开幕词). exercise v 1 [I] perform some kind of physical exercise (体能方面)锻炼, 运动
He exercises twice a day. 他每天锻炼两次. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (in sth) give exercise1(1) to sb/sth; train sb/sth (by means of exercises) 使某人[某物]得到锻炼; 训练某人[某物]
Horses get fat and lazy if they are not exercised. 马不训练就会增膘、 变懒.
Swimming exercises the whole body. 游泳能使身体得到全面的锻炼. 3 [Tn] make use of (sth); employ 利用(某物); 使用; 运用
exercise patience, tolerance, power, control, etc 运用耐性、 忍耐力、 权力、 控制力等
exercise one´s rights as a citizen 行使公民权
Teachers exercise authority over their pupils. 教师经常管束学生. 4 [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] (fml 文) worry or trouble (sb) 使(某人)担心、 忧虑或烦恼
This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment. 这一问题此刻使我们很伤脑筋.
I am very much exercised about the education of my son. 我对儿子的教育十分操心.