


n. 交换, (电话)交换局, 交换机, 汇兑, 交易所
vt. 交换, 交易, 兑换
vi. 交换, 交易, 兑换
【计】 交换; 电话局
【经】 交易所
in exchange for...


exchange n 1 [C, U] (action or process of) giving one thing or person in return for another 交换; 互换; 交流; 交易; 调换; 更换
Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchange? 用五个苹果换五个鸡蛋公平吗?
The exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual. 战时很少交换俘虏.
the exchange of contracts, ie the final stage of buying or selling a house 互换契约(买卖房屋的最後步骤)
an exchange of glances 互使眼色
an exchange of houses 调换房屋
an exchange of gun-fire 交火
He´s giving her French lessons in exchange for (ie as an exchange for) her teaching him English. 他教她法语, 她教他英语, 互教互学(作为交换条件). 2 [C] (angry) conversation or argument (愤怒的)谈话或争论
bitter exchanges between MP´s in parliament 下议院议员在议会上的激烈争论. 3 [U] relation in value between kinds of money used in different countries 兑换; 兑换率
What is the rate of exchange between the dollar and the pound? 美元和英镑之间的兑换率是多少?
[attrib 作定语] I want to change my dollars into pesetas what is the exchange rate? 我想把美元换成比塞塔--兑换率是多少? 4 Exchange [C] place where business people or financiers meet for business 交易所
the `Corn Exchange 谷物交易所
the `Stock Exchange, ie for the buying and selling of stocks, shares, etc 证券交易所. 5 = telephone exchange (telephone). 6 reciprocal visit between two (often young) people or groups from different countries (不同国家的团体或人, 常为青年之间的)互访, 交流
be on, do, organize an exchange 在、 进行、 组织互访
Sarah is going on an exchange to Paris to stay with Pierre, and he is coming to stay with her here in Scotland next year. 萨拉将到巴黎作互访住在皮埃尔处, 而皮埃尔明年来苏格兰就住在她那里.
[attrib 作定语] exchange students 互派的留学生
exchange visits 两国间的互访
She is an exchange teacher. 她是出国的交流教师. exchange v 1 (a) [Tn,] ~ A for B; ~ sth (with sb) give or receive sth/sb (of the same kind or value) in place of another 交换; 互换; 调换; 更换
He exchanged the blue jumper for a red one. 他把蓝毛衣换成了红的.
Ali exchanged seats with Ben. 阿里与本调换了座位.
The enemy countries exchanged prisoners. 敌国间交换了俘虏.
They exchanged hostages with each other. 他们相互交换了人质. (b) [Tn] give sth and receive sth (from another person) in return 交换; 交易
exchanging blows, ie hitting each other 互相殴打
They exchanged glances, ie looked at each other. 他们互相对视.
The two men exchanged greetings, ie Each greeted the other. 那两个男人互相问候. 2 (idm 习语) exchange (angry, etc) `words quarrel; argue 争吵; 争论
They exchanged angry words before the meeting but were finally persuaded to agree. 他们在会议前争吵起来, 经劝说最後言归於好.





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