estimated liability on coupons outstanding estimated liability on coupons outstanding怎么读,什么意思。估计应付商品券(利息券)债务... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 510 【经】 估计应付商品券(利息券)债务在线英汉词典
be estimated to be 估计为......unappropriated estimated surplus 未支配估计盈余...accrued taxes estimated 估计应付税捐...variation of estimated cost of materials 原料估计成本差额 is estimated that... 据估计......estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes 估计无法徵收的滞纳税款...estimated total audit value 估计全部核查价值...estimated additional requirements 估计所需增加经费...estimated profit and loss statement 估计损益表...estimated life 估计寿命,估计年限...estimated federal income taxes 估计联邦所得税...roughly estimated 约略的估计...rate of estimated depreciation 估计折旧率...statement of estimated application of funds 预计资金运用表...estimated physical life 估计实际年限(寿命)...estimated cost value 估计成本价值...estimated per cent uncollectible 估计坏帐百分数...estimated tax payable 估计应付税捐...estimated financial statement 估计财务报表...estimated capital 估计资本...estimated price 估计价格...