duct of Bartholin duct of Bartholin怎么读,什么意思。巴多林氏管,舌下腺大管... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 340 【医】 巴多林氏管, 舌下腺大管在线英汉词典www.zbyw.cn
cable duct 电缆槽...Walther's duct 瓦尔特氏管(舌下腺小管)...absorbing duct 吸收管...duct n.管,输送管vt.通过管道输...gas duct 烟道...cystic gall duct 胆囊管...lacrimonasal duct 鼻泪管...tear-duct 泪管...acoustic duct 外耳道...Lusehka's duct 路施卡氏管,胆囊腺管...magnetoionic duct 磁动电离管...artificial duct 人造线道...exhaust duct 排风管;排风管道...by-pass air duct 旁通空气导管...guttural duct 咽鼓管,欧氏管...Santorini's duct 桑托里尼氏管,胰副管...Haller's aberrant duct 附睾迷管...efferent duct 输出管...air duct 风道空气管;风管;导风筒;风道...Hoffmann's duct 霍夫曼氏管,胰管...Wharton's duct 华顿氏管(下颌腺管)...