


n. 驾车, 快车道, 推进力, 驱动, 动力, 击球, 驱动器
vt. 开车, 驱使, 推动, 驾驶
vi. 开车, 猛击, 飞跑
【计】 驱动器
【化】 驱动
【医】 传动, 推进
drive sb hard
drive up
drive sb to despair
drive sb to desperation
drive at sth
drive away at...


drive v (pt drove, pp driven) 1 (a) [I, Tn] (be able to) operate (a vehicle or locomotive) and direct its course (能)驾驶(车); 开(火车)
Can you drive? 你会开车吗?
He drives a taxi, ie That is his job. 他开计程车.
I drive (ie own) a Rolls-Royce. 我开的是劳斯莱斯汽车. (b) [I, Ipr, Ip] come or go somewhere in a car, van, etc 开车来或去某处
Did you drive (ie come by car)? 你是开车来的吗?
I drive to work. 我开车上班.
Don´t stop drive on! 不要停--往前开! =>Usage at travel 用法见travel. (c) [Tn,, Tn.p] take (sb) somewhere in a car, taxi, etc 用汽车、 计程车等送(某人)至某处
Could you drive me to the station? 你可以开车送我到车站去吗? 2 [Tn,, Tn.p] cause (animals or people) to move in some direction by shouts, blows, threats, etc 驱赶(动物或人)
some cattle being driven by a man on a horse 骑马人驱赶著的一群牛
drive sheep into a field 把羊赶到地里
They drove the enemy back, ie forced them to retreat. 他们把敌人击退.
(fig 比喻) I was driven out of the club. 我被驱逐出俱乐部. 3 [Tn,, Tn.p] (of wind or water) carry (sth) along (指风或水)卷, 刮, 冲, 冲(某物)
Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks. 巨浪把游艇卷到岩石上.
dead leaves driven along by the wind 风刮起的枯叶. 4 [I, Ipr] move rapidly or violently 急速地或猛烈地运动
driving rain, hail, snow, etc 如注的大雨、 猛烈的冰雹、 纷飞的大雪
The waves drove against the shore. 波浪冲击著岸边. 5 [] (a) force (sth) to go in a specified direction or into a specified position 迫使(某物)移动或进入某位置; 打; 敲; 击; 戳; 拧
drive a nail into wood, a stake into the ground, etc 把钉子钉入木中、 把桩打进地里
(fig 比喻) drive a proposal through Parliament 迫使议会通过一项建议. (b) construct (sth) with difficulty (吃力地)建造(某物)
drive a new motorway across a mountain range. 奋力修筑穿越山地的高速公路.
They drove a tunnel through the rock. 他们凿通一条穿过岩石的隧道. 6 (a) [Tn, Tn.p] force (sb) to act 迫使(某人)行动
A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything. 嫉妒心可使人什麽都做得出来.
The urge to survive drove them on. 求生的欲望驱使他们继续努力. (b) [, Cn.a, Cn.t] cause or compel (sb) to be in a specified state or do a specified thing 使或逼(某人)处於某种状态或做某事
drive sb crazy/to insanity/out of his mind 将某人逼疯[使某人精神失常/使某人丧失理智]
Hunger drove her to steal. 饥饿逼得她行窃. (c) [Tn] make (sb) work very hard, esp too hard 使(某人)努力(尤指过分)
Unless he stops driving himself like this he´ll have a breakdown. 他要是总这样拚命干下去是吃不消的.
He drives the team relentlessly. 他无情地鞭策全队苦练. 7 [I, Ipr, Tn,] (sport 体) hit and send (a ball, etc) forward with force, esp in tennis, golf or cricket 猛击, 猛抽(尤指网球、 高尔夫球或板球)
drive (the ball) into the rough (将球)击入深草区
He drove beautifully, ie played this stroke well. 他这一球击得很漂亮. 8 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (of electricity or some other power) keep (machinery) going (指电力或其他动力)驱动, 推动
a steam-driven engine 蒸汽机. 9 (idm 习语) be driving at (always with what as the object 必须以what作宾语) be trying to do or say 意在; 意指; 打算
What are you driving at? 你是什麽意思呢?
I wish I knew what they were really driving at. 我希望我能知道他们真实的意图. drive a coach and horses through sth disregard (eg a law or rule) in an obvious and a serious way without being punished, usu because of a loophole 钻(法律或规章的)空子. drive a hard `bargain insist on the best possible price, arrangements, etc when negotiating with sb 极力讨价还价. drive sth home (to sb) make sb realize sth, esp by saying it often, loudly, angrily, etc 使某人充分认识或理解某事物(尤指经常地、 大声地、 愤怒地说)
drive one´s point home 阐明自己的观点
I drove home to him that he must be here by ten. 我跟他说得清清楚楚
他必须十点钟以前到这里. drive sth into sb´s `head make sb remember sth, esp with difficulty (尤指费力地)使某人记住某事. drive sb to `drink (esp joc 尤作戏谑语) make sb so worried, frustrated, etc that he starts drinking too much alcohol 使得某人借酒浇愁
Working here is enough to drive anyone to drink. 在这里干活足可以逼得人以喝酒解烦. drive a wedge between A and B make (friends, colleagues, etc) quarrel or start disliking each other 挑拨(朋友、 同事等)不合或互相厌恶; 造成分裂. let drive (at sb) hit or aim blows at sb 打击某人; 朝某人打去. needs must when the devil drives => needs. pure as the driven snow => pure. 10 (phr v) drive sb back on sth force sb to use (resources, methods, etc) he would prefer to avoid using 迫使某人使用他本不愿用的(资源、 方法等). drive off (a) (of a driver, car, etc) leave (指驾驶人、 汽车等)开走, 离开. (b) (in golf) hit the ball to begin a game (高尔夫球戏中)发球. drive sb off take sb away in a car, etc 用汽车等把某人送走. drive sb/sth off defeat or chase away (an enemy or an attack) 击败, 击退(敌人或攻势). drive n 1 [C] journey in a car, van, etc 乘汽车等之行
Let´s go for a drive in the country. 我们开车到郊野去兜兜风吧.
He took her out for a drive. 他开车带她出去兜风.
a forty minute, an hour´s, a fifteen mile, etc drive 四十分钟、 一小时、 十五英里等的驾驶路程. 2 [C] (US usu 美式英语通常作 `driveway) private road, etc by which vehicles can approach a house from the road or street (通往住宅的)私人车道. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page vii. 3 [C] (sport 体) stroke made by driving in tennis, golf, cricket, etc (网球、 高尔夫球、 板球等的)猛击, 猛抽. 4 [U] energy; ability to get things done 干劲; 能力; 魄力
Our sales people need determination and drive. 我们的推销人员需要有决心和干劲. 5 [C, U] (psychology 心) desire to attain a goal or satisfy a need 欲望; 内驱力
(a) strong sexual drive 强烈的性欲. 6 [C] (a) organized effort or campaign to achieve sth (为达到某目的而展开的)运动, 攻势
a `sales, a re`cruiting, an `export, etc drive 推销、 徵兵、 出口等运动. (b) series of military attacks 一系列的军事攻击. 7 [C] (Brit) social gathering to play card-games 玩纸牌的聚会
a `bridge/`whist drive 玩桥牌[惠斯特牌]的聚会. 8 [C, U] (apparatus for the) transmission of power to machinery 传动或驱动(装置)
electric, belt, fluid, etc drive 电力、 皮带、 液压等传动
a car with left-hand drive, ie with the steering wheel and other controls on the left 方向盘在左边的汽车
[attrib 作定语] the `drive shaft 驱动轴; 主动轴.





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