doctrine of the persumption of innocence doctrine of the persumption of innocence怎么读,什么意思。无罪推定原则... 来源:互联网 英汉词典 270 【法】 无罪推定原则在线英汉词典
doctrine of non-responsibillity 无责任说,不负责任说...accounting doctrine 会计学说 purpose doctrine 家庭用车原则...estrada doctrine 艾斯特拉主义...doctrine n.教条,学说学说...fairness doctrine 公正准则...doctrine of part performance 部分履行原则...doctrine of marshalling 按顺序分配原则...Semmeleis doctrine 塞梅耳维斯氏学说(产褥热是一种 car doctrine 家庭用车原则...alternative cost doctrine 择机代价学说...last clear chance doctrine 最后明显机会原则...Floarens' doctrine 弗洛朗斯氏学说(全部大脑参与一...commitment to a doctrine 信奉某一学说,投入战斗 doctrine 法律学说,法律原则...clean hands doctrine 根据"清白"原则...doctrine of liberal construction 从宽解释原则 door doctrine 门户开放主义...humoral doctrine 体液学说...doctrine of non-recognition 不承认主义...doctrine of liberal government 政府权力有限说...